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ProvenExpert Review

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ProvenExpert Review


5.0 Star Ratings

A very smart and unique website, ProvenExpert is an online review aggregator for companies and individuals. Nowadays, people consider and trust reviews and ratings before buying a product or availing of a service. With this platform, you can get all your reviews in one place to generate more clicks and conversion.

Ideal customers and clients: Freelancers, Professionals, Small Business Owners, Medium-scale Companies, Large-scale Companies, and everyone who wants to maximize an online reputation management tool like ProvenExpert.

History & About started in 2011 in Berlin, Germany and now provides service for qualified customer feedback aggregation in all of Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. And since 2017, it has become available globally in the English language.

They have almost 500k clients from different industries, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and large corporations who are utilizing Proven Expert’s features to promote their brands through review marketing.

Services & Features

As customer reviews and ratings have become more and more the basis of trustworthiness than advertising, it is important to have all your reviews in one place. It is an effective strategy for marketing. Do not be afraid of negative reviews as this can actually increase your trust rating, because your reviews would look more legit and if you address negative reviews, people will see your sincerity.

To keep track of all your online reviews, they have the following main features:

  • Review Generation – collects all your public reviews in one place
  • Review Request – helps you get more reviews from real customers or clients
  • Dashboard – gives you 100% control and easier way to manage your online reputation

ProvenExpert also provides other various services to make review marketing work for your brand. They have these additional features:

  • Facebook Survey App – to publish different surveys directly on your Facebook page
  • SEO Boost – to optimize profiles and websites for more visibility
  • Invitation Options – to entice customers to take surveys through emails, apps, etc.
  • Google Seller Ratings – to feature your ratings on Google search results
  • ProvenExpert API – to connect your customer relationship management and/or store
  • Genuine Feedback – to have an advanced screening process to avoid fake reviews
  • Survey Templates – to provide customizable templates compatible with any device
  • Reports and Statistics – to keep you updated with relevant information and analysis

Safety & Security

As the internet is bombarded with data and fake posts, websites, and scammers, it is good news that ProvenExpert has tools that only allow genuine feedback from real customers. They also have data privacy to reassure brands that private information between the company and the reviewers will be treated with confidentiality.


Additionally, they have a free trial and a free version so you can see first for yourself how it works and if you like it, you can get either Basic, Plus, or Premium package depending on your needs and requirements.

It’s also convenient because you can choose to pay monthly or annually. We recommend paying annually as they do have discounts where you can save a lot of money instead of monthly payments.

Pros & Cons
100% full control over your dashboardMight be too technical for some users
Aggregated reviews from different sitesOverload of information on their homepage
24/7 Customer support 

Overall, ProvenExpert is a great website that gives you everything you need in one place. Get more clicks and conversions based on your compiled reviews and ratings from your real customers/clients. Manage your review marketing and track your online reputation in no time.

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